Lauren INDOVINA '01, Director

Lauren INDOVINA ' 01是洛杉矶的艾美奖获奖导演和视觉艺术家. 她最出名的是她的空灵的视觉效果和多方面的艺术方法, design, film techniques, and branding. 有美术背景和十五年的广告工作经验, 她创造了原创艺术,并指导了国际知名的设计, animation, VFX studios, and agencies. 她的作品被现代艺术博物馆永久收藏, 她的雕塑曾在伦敦的维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆展出, she has directed Super Bowl ads, and her art has been on display on Rodeo Drive, at Radio City Music Hall, and in Times Square. 最近,劳伦作为碧昂斯电影的概念设计师获得了赞誉 Black Is King and the animation director for Amazon's Utopia series. 她目前正在指导和设计动画内容的剧本,并开发人工智能和虚拟现实角色和叙事.
Years at Ellis:
Kindergarten to Grade 12
BFA Film and Animation, Rhode Island School of Design
Los Angeles, CA

How did you get into your line of work?
I was 6 when my aunt gave me a miniature movie film camera. “我给劳伦买了这个,因为她有一天会成为导演.” I was a bossy little girl. I was also artistic. Through the years, I refined these traits. 我学会了清晰地表达艺术概念,并激励他人朝着共同的创作目标前进. 我训练自己去创造有意义的东西,去创造创新的设计、人物和世界. 

Becoming a director began at Ellis when I was in high school. 我执着于对艺术的追求,对制作七英尺高的陶瓷木偶充满热情. 我对人物和雕塑的热爱使我进入了罗德岛设计学院,主修电影和动画. 毕业后,我搬到洛杉矶从事娱乐事业. 作为电影和电视导演意味着你是一个视觉故事讲述者. 你是为一个项目发声的人,你用设计把它带入生活, art, and language. Your goal is to lead a team of other artists, producers, 和技术人员来实现一个庆祝品牌的创造性愿景, tells a story, or both. 

The projects which have neared the brink of disaster, 这些书的读者对作品的愿景没有信心, where everything went wrong or nearly didn’t deliver, are almost always the accomplishments I am most proud of. It’s the hero’s journey to pursue the impossible. 我们为那些我们担心会失败的事情而努力,我们热爱战斗的精神.

In the pursuit of something great, 作为一名艺术家和导演,我的目标是通过凝视空白来推动项目的边界, 一开始我很害怕,直到我看到了潜在成功的微弱信号. 当这种情况发生时,我抓住它,更自信地朝着令人兴奋的目标迈进. 有时这意味着推动设计,使其有所不同, or fusing techniques that aren’t normally paired. 我的目标是引导我的团队不走寻常路,去完成一些我们认为不可能完成的事情.   

What do you like most about your job?
作为电影和电视导演,就像在飓风中成为一艘装满猫的大型海盗船的船长,去追求一只神奇的独角兽. 每个人在任何时候都想走自己的路,而船长面临的压力是组织混乱,确保船不会沉没. You have to keep a steady head, stay focused, 想出一种方法来保持核心的自信,这在没有人听的时候几乎是不可能的. 但当团队看到地平线,目标触手可及时, 当我们通过终点线时,我可以看到制作过程中的自豪感, 除了生孩子,我想不出比这更有意义的时刻了. 

What lessons has your work life taught you?
The best thing that ever happened to me was being fired. As one of my employers told me, “One day you’ll be a great director, but right now you’re a wild bee in a honey hive”. As heartbreaking as it can be to feel cut out, and as much as you want to fall apart, failing often brings success.

对于读这篇文章的澳门新葡新京官方的学生:你有什么智慧想要传递给他们吗? What would you want them to know?
Enjoy the journey. Try to find peace in not being in control. Fail more and often. Around the corner from failure, something great awaits you. 

What do you think are the advantages to Ellis’ environment?
Internal strength. I remember raucous class meetings, lots of laughter, opinions, sass, and just seeing a lot of boxers and sliders. We were close with our teachers, they were close with us. There were pranks. Everything was an inside joke. Everyone was very present. 我认为这对年轻女性来说非常重要,让她们真正感到自由,开怀大笑. Ellis’s non-judgemental environment allowed me to draw, create, and make things and just not care if they were good enough. The saying from my family is that I was very prolific, but truthfully the signal I got from Ellis was to explore, play, and do, so I just kept going. At that age, there is so much internal conflict you have with yourself, going to a supportive, 轻松的环境让我们真正成为自己,欣赏周围的人. 

我们经常谈论女孩们在澳门新葡新京官方发展她们的声音,这对你来说意味着什么? How do you use your voice?
我们是在澳门新葡新京官方的《澳门新葡新京官方》和《澳门新葡新京官方》中长大的. I never questioned this powerful messaging. But when I entered the workforce, I often found myself in conflict, 我以为像罗西这样的女性已经根除了性别歧视. But as the years ticked on, I realized that I got it wrong. 澳门新葡新京官方没教我这个世界已经准备好迎接铆工罗茜了. Ellis taught me that I was a Rosie the Riveter. 我的角色是站在巨人的肩膀上,为我之后的几代女性铺平新的道路. 

我吓坏了,大家会发现我在艺术方面不够好. 我在害怕被拒绝的状态下拼命工作. Imposter syndrome is real. 我们都有,这可能是我们被驱使去证明一些难以捉摸的点的一个重要原因,你值得在那里. 你越早意识到这是人类的经历,而不是你独有的, 你做得越好,你就会越快乐. 

What is the most important lesson you learned at Ellis?
我从澳门新葡新京官方那里学到的最宝贵的一课是说话清晰而坚定. 我是通过观察澳门新葡新京官方的老师们带着目的和激情的讲话学到这一点的. Lessons were dynamic. 他们教我们成为批判性的思考者,为自己的想法感到自豪,并尊重我们的差异.