Nancy HAYES Kilgore '65, Writer

在澳门新葡新京官方的时候, Nancy HAYES Kilgore ’65 fell in love with the books assigned to her in English class and realized she wanted to become a novelist. Her dream came true, and today Nancy is preparing to publish her third novel, 苦的魔法今年夏天晚些时候. 现在, along with being a writer, she works as a pastoral psychotherapist in Burlington, 佛蒙特州, and leads writing workshops for people to write and reflect on their own lives in a safe and welcoming space. 
B.A., Columbia University; M.Div., Pittsburgh Theological Seminary; D.最小值., Boston University School of Theology
Writer, Pastoral Counselor

How did you get into writing?
是在澳门新葡新京官方! I loved the novels that were introduced in English class, and I immersed myself in them – George Elliot, 托马斯·哈代, 托尔斯泰, 勃朗特姐妹的. I developed a secret desire to be a novelist. It was such a secret, though, that I hid it from myself. Being a writer was just not something you did, I thought. 

I had one English teacher I loved, Miss Hickman. She was quirky and kooky and completely opinionated. One day she told me I’d written the best essay she’d ever seen. I kept that comment in my secret memory box and pulled it out whenever I felt discouraged.

I didn’t think about becoming a writer until much later when, in my first church as an interim pastor, I began to write a story. 第一次, I had the luxury of a day to myself, completely alone and quiet, for working on sermons. 晚些时候, when I moved to Boston and started a doctorate in pastoral psychology, I suddenly realized that I could do an arts project instead of the research dissertation I was growing weary of. I turned my story into a novel and finished my degree.
Is there a project or accomplishment that you consider to be the most significant in your career?
When I finished that first draft of the novel, I’d never studied fiction writing, and an editor suggested I enroll in a fiction-writing class. I then spent two years in the Radcliffe Writing Seminars to rewrite it. After countless rewrites and revisions, many, many rejections, and ten more years, 海平面 发表. 

What do you love most about your job?
For many years, I’ve had two jobs – pastoral psychotherapist and writer. The two intersect and overlap. Psychotherapy is really about being with another person and hearing their story. The pastoral part means we can explore the spiritual, and there is always a spiritual dimension to our life stories. In novel-writing I try to include this dimension, whether as described in a funeral where the ancestors appear in 海平面 or in a character, like the mountain hermit who experiences the presence of the goddess in 野生山. 在我的最新报告中, 苦的魔法, inspired by Isobel Gowdie, a 17th century witch, the spiritual overlaps with the paranormal. Isobel visits the “otherworld” of fairies, sees the dead with her second sight, and flies through the night with her fairy lover. (These are all things that the real Isobel confessed to – I didn’t make them up!)
Can you recall a time in your life when you have been brave and bold?
Pushing past all the negative self-talk (what makes you think you can write? 你在骗谁?? Put this away and never look at it again!)来写小说. 这需要一些勇气.
What is your best memory of Ellis?
I was a Sewickley girl, so discovering and exploring Walnut Street and Squirrel Hill with my sophisticated Ellis Pittsburgh friends was so much fun. Tasting my first cheese blintz at the Jewish deli on Forbes Avenue was a delight!
We often talk about girls developing their voice at Ellis, what does that mean to you? How do you use your voice?
In writing we talk a lot about voice. Each writer has a unique voice, and the more that’s developed to be authentic, the more the reader is moved and her world is enlarged. Finding, developing, and trusting our own voice is an ongoing process, one that I’m still working on!
What is the last book you read?
I’m still immersing myself in novels and read at least one a week. 最近最受欢迎的是 攻陷城堡 作者:多迪·史密斯. It’s a delightful romp in a quirky adolescent voice, a classic treasure published in 1948 that I never heard about until this year. I recommend it to anyone, young or old.
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